Sunday, 22 May 2011

First steps into Film making

A few clients have started to ask if I 'do filming' with all the Hype around the Canon 5d MKII, I decided the time was right to get to grips with the idea of shooting moving images, A huge thank you to Paul Fenn from Paul Fenn Films for his short introduction to filming course, I highly recommend this if you are a photographer and fancy the idea of film making, the 5D is an amazing camera but it does have some major draw backs.

I've taken the plunge and ordered up a few extra pieces of equipment this weekend the most exciting being a short piece of glide track. hopefully this will arrive in the next week !


Monday, 16 May 2011

Wow, I've set up a blog. Now what ?

Ok, so I've decided that I should start a blog. mainly for work and hopefully others will contribute from time to time.

With the Blog I'll keep you updated on what I'm working on and what's on the Horizon and of course upload the odd image from shoots, test shoots or where ever I find myself.

Below is an image from a very successful trip in January to Scotland. It formed part of a series of images based around Glencoe and Rannoch Moor.

This trip rekindled my love of landscape photography and hopefully will be the start of a new body of work.
